The Little Pink Mansion : Beginnings


And so another house begins….

This little beauty I got off Gumtree for the grand price of $20. It was filthy dirty, was missing two doors and was a bit roughed up inside. Unfortunately it was also missing a staircase and the one that it did have, was broken.


You can see the lovely glue on the wall joins.

A few coats of paint, some paper flooring and wallpaper and voila!


The flooring paper is an image from Shutterstock. I was leaning towards a white washed floor but my fussy customer (my 8 year old daughter) wanted these floors. Four trips to Officeworks to get them printed and they turned out pretty awesome. They were ModPodged on, which wasn’t great – definitely double sided tape works so much better. The black dot wallpaper is from MostlyMiniature and the roses were an image from Freepik that I turned into wallpaper.

After this, it was time to add some extra walls. On the attic level, I put in a wall so I could have a nursery and little girls room (at my daughter’s request of course!). This was just MDF board painted and glued in.


Then it was putting in a wall to create a bathroom and hallway.

Before is on the left and after is on the right.

So the basics are done. Now on to the fun stuff!!!

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